off to play tennis just now.. but i'm a bit too late due to the weather is so nice for sleep.
long time didnt play , scared i mempersiasoikan diri..
at d 1st , it's kinda sia soi..
after tat, i spoted wong wai yi's racket .
so i used that one.
after tat , the game went well..
wong wy said my racket is a bit too heavy for me..>.<
so i gonna buy a new one !
his racket is cool and light..
bought from US.
only cost RM300++
cool !!
gonna consider to buy ..
he asked me to go for d game every mon n thurs..
well..i'll consider .
exam is coming but exercise is important for our brain isnt it ?
he voted me as d most progressive rookie..
XD !!
i love tennis as i always do.
the colour is not so nice..i mean , it's kinda ordinary.
this 1 only 225g ! i like d colour too.. =)